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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: How quantum TGD differs from standard quantum physics.cmap, The notion of finite measurement resolution strongly suggests that discretization at space-time level suggested also by number theoretic constraints is essential part of the description, new view about state function reduction extending quantum physics to consciousness theory, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 4. p-Adic physics forcing generali- zation of concept of number and space-time itself, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 5. New view about the relationship of experienced and geometric time, p-Adic physics forcing generali- zation of concept of number and space-time itself so that physical correlates of cognition become part of quantum physics, The notion of finite measurement resolution strongly suggests that so called hyper-finite factors of type II_1 replace factors of type III appearing in algebraic QFT and factors of type I appearing in wave mechanics, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 6. Hierarchy of Planck constants giving rise to dark matter hierarchy, New view about the relationship of experienced and geometric time explaining how the contents of sensory experience are localized in narrow time interval, New view about the relationship of experienced and geometric time explaining how the experience about flow of time and arrow of time emerge, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 2. Quantum fields are replaced with WCW spinor fields, Hierarchy of Planck constants giving rise to dark matter hierarchy having implications in in all scales, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 1. Pointlike particles are replaced with 3-surfaces/parto- nic 2-surfaces, implications in in all scales including cosmology, elementary particle physics and biology, HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 3. Zero energy ontology (ZEO), HOW TGD DIFFERS FROM STANDARD QUANTUM FIELD THEORY? 7. The notion of finite measurement resolution, Zero energy ontology (ZEO) implies new view about state function reduction, Zero energy ontology (ZEO) implies new view about information (NMP), New view about the relationship of experienced and geometric time suggesting a mechanism of memory based on communications with geometric past